
  • 9:30 AM Pre-Service Prayer
  • 10:00 AM Worship Service
  • 7:30 PM Zoom Corporate Prayer Meeting
  • 7:30 PM Care Groups when scheduled
  • 7:30 PM Youth Group Pandemic postponement


  • Apr 3, 2023
    Good Friday Service

    7:30 PM Worship, Word  and  Communion All Are welcome! 

  • Jan 13, 2023
    Coats for Children

    We were able to buy 90 brand new winter coats to help children in Farmingdale School district. We are in the process of buying hooded...


The Farmingdale Christian Church is a non-denominational, born again, Spirit filled group of Christians that desire to serve the Lord with all our hearts! It is patterned after the churches that existed in the book of Acts. It is our goal to be guided by the principles in the Bible in every aspect of our life together.

We desire that each member of the church continue to grow and mature as a Christian and become more like Jesus in every area of their life (Col. 1:28). We want to see each member take his or her place in the areas of service that God has ordained for them (Rom 12:4-9). We also emphasize the importance of families. We believe that if the families are strong that the church will be strong. Although we provide a comprehensive Sunday school program for the children, we believe that the God ordained path of religious instruction for our children is through their parents.

We believe that the church should be governed by a plurality of elders who are called to "shepherd the flock" and to function pastorally according to their individual callings and giftings (Acts 20:17,28).

Our mandate from Jesus is to reach the lost and afflicted of the world, wherever the Hand of God can be extended through us; whether through evangelistic and missionary outreach, or the planting of local churches (Matt. 28:19-20).

We desire and seek to embrace all Churches and/or Fellowships, whose members have had a true born-again experience, with the right hand of fellowship with Jesus Christ as our mutual head and Lord. For More information please call the Church office.