1970 - 1973
In 1970 a young couple who lived in Farmingdale gave their hearts to the Lord Jesus Christ. They began telling their friends, relatives and neighbors what a difference God had made in their lives. In the summer of 1971 the ladies started a Bible study in a nearby home. The men were also interested in learning more about God so a men’s Bible study was started soon after. By the summer of 1972 they realized they needed to bring the two groups together. A basement of one of the houses became the place for a weekly meeting. Speakers came from The Gospel Community Church in Sayville. At this time approximately twelve to fifteen people were coming. The group also went to Sayville Community Church on Sunday evenings for fellowship and teaching.
As time went on more people started to attend and the group took on the name Home Bible Fellowship. By October 1974 the available side of the basement meeting place was filled to capacity and the decision was made to knock down the walls and make more room. In January 1975 the group filed for tax exempt status and legally became the "Home Bible Fellowship". By the end of 1975 the group had grown to the point where they had to leave the home and rent a facility to meet in. In 1976 the group had grown to a point of desiring a full time Elder or Teacher and the Lord provided a minister from Riverhead. For the next several years the Church grew and several men were maturing into leadership. There were now a group of Elders pastoring this New Testament Church together. The group began to pray and fast to ask the Lord to provide a place of their own in which to meet.
1979 - Present
1979, through the providence of God, 125 Main Street was purchased for the Church to meet in. The Church took on the name of their new location: "The Farmingdale Christian Church".
From 1979 to the present the Church has experienced steady growth and has found a need to expand the facility once in 1985 and again in 1989. This has led us to reach our present size. We have no interest in becoming a "Mega Church". Our desire is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ and to see New Testament Churches established all over Long Island. We do not see ourselves as the "chosen few" but we believe we are a part of God’s family of Churches on Long Island and we work together with many other Churches for different causes that are in the purpose of God. Only the Lord Himself knows our future.