“And they were continually devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” (Acts 2:42) 

Sunday Morning

We desire to be led by the Holy Spirit each Sunday. We are open for God to move in any way that He desires. We have a basic order for our service that we are open for God to change at a moments notice. Our service starts with preparation. Prayer for service is held in the main sanctuary, prior to each service from 9:45 AM to approximately 10:00 AM. All are welcome and encouraged to pray. We will pray for the meeting in general, the worship leader and the person giving the teaching. The Service opens with a greeting by the worship leader 10:00 AM. Then one of our worship leaders, by the enabling of the Holy Spirit, leads us into the presence of the Lord, about 45 minutes. This is an open time for all to contribute by way of testimony, scripture reading, prayer, or exercising of a spiritual gift. A brief transition follows our worship where we have announcements the dismiss children for Sunday School Classes. The time of Bible teaching for adults is next which lasts for about 45 minutes. The service ends at approximately 11:30-12:00 noon. 

On the first Sunday of each month, as part of our worship and praise, we remember the Lord by taking Communion together (the Lord's Table). We do not have Sunday school classes for children, or a time of Adult Bible teaching on this day. This Sunday is also a time for other special events like infant dedications, water baptisms, praying for everyone that has a birthday in that month, etc. Since the worship service ends much earlier than normally, we have a time of fellowship after with coffee and bagels. This gives us a chance to get to know each other better. 


Two nurseries are provided on Sunday mornings. 

We have a nursery for infants up to about 1 year old (until they are walking) upstairs near the sanctuary. This nursery includes a changing table, port-a-cribs, and a rocking chair as well as toys appropriate for children this age. Nursing mothers are encouraged to use this nursery to nurse their children during the service. A window with one-way glass has been installed that "looks" into the sanctuary in addition to an audio speaker so that you can still take part in the service. Because mothers might be nursing, men should knock before entering this nursery. 

The second nursery is located is on the main floor and is for toddlers up to 2 years old (there is a Sunday school class is provided for toddlers older than 2. When bringing your children to the nursery, please sign them in with the women responsible and remember to pick them up promptly after the service is over. 

The infant nursery will be open during the first half of the service (worship time), during the entire first Sunday of the month service, and Visitor's Sunday service, but supervision is the parent's responsibility. You are free to use this nursery at this time if you need to, but please do not leave your children unattended at any time. 

It should also be noted that at no time are older children allowed to play in either nursery. 

Sunday School 

Five Sunday school classes are provided for our children. The breakdown of the classes is as follows: 

  • 2 and 3 year olds 

  • Pre-kindergarten and kindergarten 

  • 1st & 2nd graders 

  • 3rd and 4th graders 

  • 5th, and 6th graders 

The breakdown of the classes may change during the summer months and from year to year if the number of children in each age group varies. Sunday school classes are only provided during the teaching time on Sunday morning. Classrooms are located on the main floor of the building and in the basement of the building. 

Prayer Meetings

We have a Zoom prayer meeting on Wednesday Night at 7:30PM. One week we pray for the Church and the sick. The following week we pray for the Nation and the sick.

We sometimes meet at the building on the last Wednesday night of the month at 7:30 PM for worship, ministry and prayer. The meeting will be listed on our monthly calendar.

Other Meetings

Other types of meetings/gatherings are held throughout the year providing a balance of teaching, prayer, fellowship, and fun. We believe that they offer a special richness and provide a good atmosphere to be nurtured and grow in the Lord. 

The following is a list of some of these meetings: 

  • Ladies prayer meetings twice a month, Monday morning at 11:00 AM when listed on the calendar. They are held at a private home. Call the office or speak to one of the pastors if you would like to attend. 

  • Special meetings with guest speakers (see monthly calendar for announcement & schedule) 

  • Yearly Trustees Business Meeting (required by law) 

  • Family Nights* 

  • Men’s Meetings: Bible Studies and fellowship dinners (check monthly calendar)

  • Women’s Meetings: Bible Studies and fellowship meetings (Check monthly calendar)

* Family Nights - Periodically the church has a meeting for the church family (adults) to openly and informally discuss any problems, conflicts, issues, new direction for the church, or questions that may arise in our life together. The purpose of these gatherings is to maintain clear communication between the Co-Pastors and the congregation. Individuals are encouraged, however, to contact one of the Co-Pastors at any time to discuss problems, issues, questions, etc., and not just wait for the Family Nights. We normally have two Family Nights each year. One of these is used to give a financial report to the church.